kitchen pestsSpring is Here– And So Are the Pests!

Ahhh.. spring.  The snow has melted, the sun is shining, the flowers blooming…and rats, mice and racoons have come out to play.  Not all critters are welcome guests, especially when you are trying to keep a clean and sanitary kitchen.  Pests can really put a damper on your reputation as well as your budget.  If they get into your kitchen, they can ruin your food, leave droppings and other messes and can scare customers away faster than you can say “rat poison”.  Here are some tips for keeping your establishment pest free.  And, of course, your Cleanse Tec representative is always available for tips and advice on ways to keep your kitchen spotless!

  • Pests are not invited to this party: Be sure to make that clear by cleaning up food scraps and other sources of food, repairing water leaks, and increasing ventilation.
  • Not getting past this velvet rope:  Make areas less accessible to pests by repairing holes and installing barriers.
  • Trap those buggers: If despite your best efforts, those pests still find their way into your business, use traps to catch and release them for a more humane way to treat the problem.
  • Exterminate when necessary:  Especially in old buildings like many in NYC, pest problems may have been going on for years and the problem is bigger than a few traps and precautions can handle.  As a last resort, bringing in the heavy artillery (exterminators) may be your best solution.  It is certainly better than trying to run a food business with a pest infestation!
  • In this case, trash is trash: Although we are typically an Earth friendly company, any products contaminated with pesticides should be sent directly to the landfill and not for recycling or reusing.

Keeping pests at bay is an ongoing and seasonal issue that affects almost every commercial kitchen.  Make it part of your business to ensure you follow the tips above and keep your space sparkling clean with products from Cleanse Tec